Monday, November 2, 2009

Join Me In My Community of Community Managers

Everywhere you turn today, people are looking for the "one stop" community to solve all their problems. Of course, few realize the challenges and issues involved in not just starting a community, but also supporting, sustaining, and expanding existing communities while staying true to the original community mission. Many communities fail as they begin to mature, usually because people running the community get “cold feet” and bail, as they don’t understand how communities work and the true value they provide.

I am currently a community manager for an open source project. Over the past 12 years of my career, I have been responsible for founding a developer program and also transforming partner program communities to scalable, global programs. This blog is a public forum for me to comment on communities in general and share my ideas for new initiatives. It is my intention to start a public discussion about building and supporting communities via this blog, as I need a "Community of Community Managers" to help take me to the next level in my community management skills.

I intend to post 1 or 2 topics a week focused on community areas such as:

o Measurements and Metrics - How do you measure a community’s success?

o Evangelists - How to identify, nurture, and leverage?

o Globalization - What are the primary issues of a global community?

o Promotion - How to have community promote itself/products?

o Open ideas from readers

I look forward to starting this journey with other community managers as we come together to leverage the best ideas in building and maintaining vibrant communities.

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