Friday, January 29, 2010

Virtual vs Real Communities

As I spend my working days (and nights and weekends) interacting with with various community members from around the world, I find that I become disconnected from reality as I sit and stare at my computer screen. In fact, if I didn't leave the house to eat out or take my son to school, i would spend most of my week "meeting" with my community virtually. Strange that as community managers we tend to become isolated as most global communities only meetup a few times a year, if ever.

So, I am calling out to my fellow community managers to try and find a local, in-person community to belong to as it will break the isolation of a virtual community manager. I am starting tonight on this new effort by being a Science Fair judge for my local school system. The Education Foundation of Indian River County holds this event yearly and I am proud to assist the local education program by judging the science fair. In fact, I remember clearly my junior high project on corrosion and the impact of salt concentration and types of metal.

Remember, get out there and interact with real people once in a while or you will become virtual yourself!

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